Saturday, April 20, 2013

4 Darling Puppies born February 28, 2013

Mystie had 4 puppies!  We thought that she was only going to have 2 because she was really small, but the stud named Maverick was really small too. ( You can see him at  Maverick has Velvet Touch bloodlines, so the puppies do too.   We had two boys and two girls.  They love to run around and play and they also like to snuggle.  They are doing really well on being paper trained.  This is how I'm getting my college fund! See the slideshow of the puppies on the right!
Click it to make it larger.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Our Last Batch of Puppies

Here are pictures of our last batch of puppies.  We got three boys and one girl.


Zoie and Mystie

Hi I'm Zoie and this is my poodle Mystie.  Mystie is a purebred, papered toy poodle.  She is my best friend and my college fund project.  My idea was to breed Mystie and sell her puppies to make money for college.